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Pastor's Ponderings - March 13, 2016

Eucharistic adoration was well covered by dedicated adorers, and many more came at all hours to spend some time with our Eucharistic Lord. We hope to host similar devotional events in the future. In the meantime, those who wish are more than welcome to join us during our weekly Eucharistic Adoration every Wednesday from 3pm—7pm. We also continue to offer Eucharistic Adoration on the First Friday of each month from 9:30am until Noon.

By now you have likely received a letter in the mail regarding our annual parish pledge drive (If you have not received such a letter, please contact the parish office). As I stated in that letter, we are grateful for your participation in this process as the pledges (for one’s regular contribution) help us plan our parish budget for the coming fiscal year (2016-2017). I realize that sometimes income may be unpredictable, and there may be a need to readjust one’s pledge later on, but even a reasonable estimate will help us to be responsible in creating a responsible budget. I would ask that you prayerfully consider how your financial support of our parish might represent a true sacrificial gift to the Lord. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity.

Sometimes we think a small amount cannot make much difference, but consider the following: If each household which currently gives on a regular basis were to increase their gift by a mere $10 per month (the cost of a single movie ticket), it would total an additional $93,240 in parish income which would help us to meet the needs of the parish in a greater way.

~Fr. Joseph Totton