Liturgical Ministers' schedules are updated as new seasonal schedules are released.
For information regarding the weekly Liturgical Ministers Schedule,
please contact the Parish Office at (816) 436-0880.
Please contact your Ministry Coordinator for schedule conflicts or changes:
Lectors: Barb Liles - (816) 436-0880 or (816) 678-2201
Altar Servers: Susan Davis at (816) 468-4123
or the Parish Office at (816) 436-0880.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Barb Liles - (816) 678-2201 or at (816) 436-0880
Hospitality Coordinator: Barb Liles - (816) 436-4696 or (816) 678-2201
Sacristan Coordinator: Bill Stump - (816) 436-7145 or (816) 616-0042