Is God calling you to the Ministry of Hospitality?
Every Sunday is the celebration of and participation in the one sacrifice of Christ on the cross for the redemption of the world. These actions and promises of Christ are what give the world hope. We Christians begin our week and worship God through Christ on Sunday. We set aside time for each other on Sunday and remember the pilgrimage of salvation history with our eternal destination. There is much to celebrate! Yet, there is also much that threatens to steal our joy.
If you find joy in the meaning of our Christian celebration of Sunday, a desire to share that joy with others, and you would like to be part of a team of parishioners who have the sacred duty to"welcome all guests and to receive them as you are receiving Christ the Lord," then the ministry of Hospitality may be for you!
What does the Ministry of Hospitality entail?
There are several duties involved with the ministry of Hospitality before, during, and after a typical Sunday Mass:
- Arrive 20 minutes before your assigned Mass and report to the Hospitality Room.
- Welcome and greet all parishioners at the outside doors of the church.
- Assist anyone with special needs.
- Select a family for the presentation of the gifts.
- Expedite the collection with the hospitality team.
- Dismiss the pews for the reception of Holy Communion.
- Greet the faithful with a copy of the bulletin after Mass.
Who can I contact for more information
or to become involved?
For more information and to become a Minister of Hospitality, please contact Barb Liles at (816) 436-0880 or (816) 678-2201.